Abstract The complex architecture and biochemistry of the inner mitochondrial membrane generate ultra-structures with different phospholipid and protein compositions, shapes, characteristics, and functions. The crista junction (CJ) serves as an important barrier separating the cristae (CM) and inner boundary membranes (IBM). Thereby CJ regulates the movement of ions and ensures distinct electrical potentials across the cristae (ΔΨ C ) and inner boundary (ΔΨ IBM ) membranes. We have developed a robust and flexible approach to visualize the CJ permeability with super-resolution microscopy as a readout of local mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨ mito ) fluctuations. This method involves analyzing the distribution of TMRM fluorescence intensity in a model that is restricted to the mitochondrial geometry. We show that mitochondrial Ca 2+ elevation hyperpolarizes the CM most likely caused by Ca 2+ sensitive increase of mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) and subsequent oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) activity in the cristae. Dynamic multi-parameter correlation measurements of spatial mitochondrial membrane potential gradients, ATP levels, and mitochondrial morphometrics revealed a CJ-based membrane potential overflow valve mechanism protecting the mitochondrial integrity during excessive cristae hyperpolarization.