Qingling Chang,Huanhao Liao,Xiaofei Meng,Shiting Xu,Yan Cui
Glass detection is an important and challenging task for many vision systems, such as 3D reconstruction, autonomous driving, and depth estimation. However, to the best of our knowledge, almost all existing glass detection methods based on deep learning are trained on perspective images that contain very few transparent glasses very close to the camera. This is not suitable for some tasks that require context relations, wide field of view (FOV), and simultaneous detection of multiple objects at a certain distance, such as 3D reconstruction, autonomous driving, and pedestrian trajectory prediction. To tackle this problem, we build a panoramic dataset for glass detection called PanoGlass, which contains panoramic images and intensity images, the panoramic images is manually labeled and it provides a field of view four times larger than a perspective image and contains more transparent glasses. Furthermore,based on the PanoGlass dataset, we propose a glass detection method named PanoGlassNet, which captures the wide FOV and twisted boundary of panoramic images by using our novel module large field deformable contextual features (LDCF). The module consists of four branches with different kernel sizes and deformable convolutions. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that PanoGlassNet not only achieves 86.14, 0.0069, and 0.9255 of IoU, MAE, and F-score on PanoGlass, respectively, but also achieves 94.10, 0.029, and 0.9690 of IoU, MAE, and F-score on RGBT. Besides, PanoGlassNet is comparable on some of the glass detection datasets and SOD-D datasets. Code and dataset are available at https://github.com/AnyaTracy/PanoGlass.