Development of a sensitive phage-mimotope and horseradish peroxidase based electrochemical immunosensor for detection of O,O-dimethyl organophosphorus pesticides
In this work, a green, harmless and signal-amplified electrochemical immunosensor based on phage-mimotope M31 (C-P-D-G-N-H-V-P-F-C) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was constructed for detecting O,O-dimethyl organophosphorus pesticides (OPs). The glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was modified by nitrogen and boron doped carbon quantum dots and graphene oxide (NBCQDs@GO) which can provide sufficient surface area and enhance the conductivity of the electrode. The O,O-dimethyl OPs class specific antibody mAb3C9 was assembled onto the NBCQDs@GO and the phage-mimotope M31 competitively bound to mAb3C9 with OPs. Furthermore, large amounts of anti-M13 mAb-HRP were introduced to the electrode through thousands of binding sites on the capsid of phage. HRP can catalyze 4-chloro-1-naphthol (4-CN) to produce insoluble precipitates (Benzo-4-chlorhexanedione, 4-CD). Hence, the concentration of OPs can be quantified by measuring impedance signal with electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS). Under the optimal detection conditions, the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) and limits of detection (LODs) values of 9 O,O-dimethyl OPs were in range of 0.989-4.017 ng/mL and 0.003-0.014 ng/mL, respectively. The recovery rates of spiked OPs in cucumber, cabbage and lettuce were 88.20-112.50% with coefficient of variation from 2.97 to 15.64%. Therefore, the immunosensor showed very good sensitivity and demonstrating potential application for the detection of O,O-dimethyl OPs in food samples.