High-quality GaN epitaxy continues to be challenged by the lack of matched substrates. Threading dislocations that result from heteroepitaxy are responsible for leakage currents, trapping effects, and may adversely affect device reliability. We have studied the impact of AlN nucleation conditions on the density and character of threading dislocations on SiC substrates. Variation of the nucleation temperature, V/III ratio, and thickness are seen to have a dramatic effect on the balance between edge, screw and mixed character dislocation densities. Electrical and structural properties have been assessed by AFM and XRD on a material level and through DC and RF performance at the device level. The ratio between dislocation characteristics has been established primarily through comparison of symmetric and asymmetric XRD rocking curve widths. The effect of each dislocation type on leakage current, RF power and reliability at 2 GHz, the targeted band for cell phone infrastructure applications, is discussed.