Abstract Almost all known foodborne pathogens are able to form biofilms as one of the strategies for survival under harsh living conditions, to ward off the inhibition and the disinfection during food production, transport and storage, as well as during cleaning and sanitation of corresponding facilities. Biofilms are communities where microbial cells live under constant intracellular interaction and communication. Members of the biofilm community are embedded into extracellular matrix that contains polysaccharides, DNA, lipids, proteins, and small molecules that protect microorganisms and enable their intercellular communication under stress conditions. Membrane vesicles (MVs) are produced by both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. These lipid membrane‐enveloped nanoparticles play an important role in biofilm genesis and in communication between different biofilm members. Furthermore, MVs are involved in other important steps of bacterial life like cell wall modeling, cellular division, and intercellular communication. They also carry toxins and virulence factors, as well as nucleic acids and different metabolites, and play a key role in host infections. After entering host cells, MVs can start many pathologic processes and cause serious harm and cell death. Prevention and inhibition of both biofilm formation and shedding of MVs by foodborne pathogens has a very important role in food production, storage, and food safety in general. Better knowledge of biofilm formation and maintaining, as well as the role of microbial vesicles in this process and in the process of host cells’ infection is essential for food safety and prevention of both food spoilage and host infection.