期刊:IEEE Internet of Things Journal [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] 日期:2020-08-01卷期号:7 (8): 7097-7111被引量:153
Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has drawn great interest recent years. Various IoV applications have emerged for improving the safety, efficiency, and comfort on the road. Cloud computing constitutes a popular technique for supporting delay-tolerant entertainment applications. However, for advanced latency-sensitive applications (e.g., auto/assisted driving and emergency failure management), cloud computing may result in excessive delay. Edge computing, which extends computing and storage capabilities to the edge of the network, emerges as an attractive technology. Therefore, to support these computationally intensive and latency-sensitive applications in IoVs, in this article, we integrate mobile-edge computing nodes (i.e., mobile vehicles) and fixed edge computing nodes (i.e., fixed road infrastructures) to provide low-latency computing services cooperatively. For better exploiting these heterogeneous edge computing resources, the concept of software-defined networking (SDN) and edge-computing-aided IoV (EC-SDIoV) is conceived. Moreover, in a complex and dynamic IoV environment, the outage of both processing nodes and communication links becomes inevitable, which may have life-threatening consequences. In order to ensure the completion with high reliability of latency-sensitive IoV services, we introduce both partial computation offloading and reliable task allocation with the reprocessing mechanism to EC-SDIoV. Since the optimization problem is nonconvex and NP-hard, a heuristic algorithm, fault-tolerant particle swarm optimization algorithm is designed for maximizing the reliability (FPSO-MR) with latency constraints. Performance evaluation results validate that the proposed scheme is indeed capable of reducing the latency as well as improving the reliability of the EC-SDIoV.