The aim of this study was to investigate prostate radiotherapy techniques for the patients with hip prosthesis in 4 different field setups. Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) technique was used in 4 different cases: (1) using full VMAT arcs (VMAT_F); (2) same arcs as in case 1 but with avoidance sectors (VMAT_ASEC); (3) as case 2 but with the addition of a lateral static field through the prosthesis (VMAT_ASEC+STAT); (4) as in case 1 but with an automated structure avoidance option to avoid irradiation through the prosthesis (VMAT_ASTR). Fifteen previously treated prostate patients were retrospectively selected to this study. Treatment plans were created for all patients using all 4 techniques. The potential prosthesis misalignment in the treatment setup was modeled by moving the prosthesis 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 cm ventrally and dorsally and recalculating the plans in each case. For VMAT_ASEC, the dose parameters for organs at risk were the highest and the dose coverage of the target volume was the poorest when compared to the other techniques. For VMAT_ASEC+STAT, the movement of the prosthesis changed the target dose distribution the most. VMAT_F and VMAT_ASTR fulfilled the planning criteria the best, even when the prosthesis was misaligned. VMAT_F radiated through the prosthesis more than VMAT_ASTR and increased the dose near the prosthesis surface when compared to VMAT_ASTR. VMAT_ASTR and VMAT_F were the most robust techniques for the patients with the hip prosthesis considering plan quality and the effect of positioning errors. The increased prosthesis surface dose with VMAT_F and possible dose calculation uncertainties favors the use of VMAT_ASTR.