Abstract Microbial induced calcite precipitation (MICP) has been well studied to date in the laboratory as a viable alternative soil improvement technique that harnesses a natural bacterial process to induce cementation. Specifically, MICP utilizes the microbial process of hydrolysis of urea to induce pH increase leading to calcite precipitation. The study presented herein demonstrates the utility of a simple bio-geochemical reactive transport model to predict MICP in one-dimensional column experiments. The mathematical model was originally developed in the framework of the TOUGHREACT code to include kinetically controlled reaction rates for urea hydrolysis and calcite precipitation. Inverse modeling, via UCODE-2005, is utilized to calibrate and verify the model to experimental data including aqueous and mineral chemistry. Results indicate good agreement between data and simulated results for capturing the trends and magnitudes of a variety of MICP treatment schemes in half meter, one-dimensional flow columns. A design procedure is presented for predicting MICP in one-dimensional flow by sequentially coupling UCODE-2005 with TOUGHREACT.