An algorithm is presented for real-time estimation of the frequency and azimuth and elevation angles of each signal incident on an airborne antenna array system over a very wide frequency band (2-18 GHz) commensurate with electronic signal warfare. The algorithm provides unambiguous frequency estimation despite severe temporal undersampling necessitated by cost/complexity of hardware considerations. The 2-18 GHz spectrum is decomposed into 1-GHz bands. The baseband output of each antenna is sent through two 250-MHz sampled channels where one is delayed relative to the other (prior to sampling) by 0.5 ns, which is the Nyquist interval for a 1-GHz bandwidth. Due to the high variance of the Direct ESPRIT frequency estimator, aliased frequencies are estimated via a simple formula and translated to the proper aliasing zone, utilizing eigenvector information generated by PRO-ESPRIT. The algorithm also provides unambigous 2-D angle estimate over the entire 2-18 GHz bandwidth, despite severe spatial undersampling at the higher end of this band necessitated by mutual coupling considerations and resolving power requirements at the lower end of the band. Eigenvector information generated by PRO-ESPRTT is used to facilitate computationally simple estimation of azimuth and elevation angles that are automatically paired with corresponding frequency estimates despite aliasing. Simulations are presented demonstrating the capabilities of the algorithm. >