Translocation 1RS.1BL originally from the 'Aurora' and 'Kavkaz' wheats has spread to bread wheats all over the world. It offers several resistance genes and appears to significantly increase yields. For future study of the arm location of the yield-increasing factors, complete chromosomes 1B and 1R were reconstructed from the 1RS.1BL translocation. This was accomplished by centric misdivision and fusion in double monosomies 20 II + 1RS.1BL I + 1BS.1RL I. The frequency of misdivision and misdivision–fusion of the two unpaired chromosomes was 23.1%, which was much higher than expected but comparable with that observed in other stocks grown under similar conditions. Transmission of the reconstructed chromosomes to progeny was normal. In addition to all possible misdivision and misdivision–fusion products, two chromosomes of ambiguous origin were recovered: chromosome 1B with a proximal insert of about 40% of 1RS and chromosome 1R with a proximal insert of about 30% of 1BS. The study demonstrates that centric translocations can misdivide and fuse again to produce stable chromosomes with new arm combinations.Key words: wheat, 1RS.1BL translocation, misdivision.