Biological Control of the Potato Tuber Moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller) in the Republic of Yemen Using Granulosis Virus: Biochemical Characterization, Pathogenicity and Stability of the Virus
A granulosis virus infecting the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella, has been identified, isolated and purified from diseased potato tuber moth larvae collected from potato fields in the highland basin Qa al-Boun of the Republic of Yemen. The granulosis virus was propagated by feeding potato tuber moth larvae with potatoes treated with a concentration of one granulosis virus-infected fourth instar larva to 5l of water (corresponding to an occlusion body (OB) concentration of 2 106 OB ml-1). Restriction enzyme analysis of viral DNA revealed that the isolated virus seemed to correspond to an isolate from the Lima region of Peru. A median LC 50 value of 7.3 104 OB ml-1 was calculated for a purified virus preparation. Different preparations of the granulosis virus were investigated for their persistence in the field on tubers and leaves. A purified virus preparation (PoGV) applied to potato tubers and exposed in the open had a half-life of 1.3 days. On leaves, the activity of granulosis virus spray deposits of an unpurified virus preparation (PoGV I) and of a glycerine-formulated preparation (PoGV II) also declined with exposure time. Mortalities of potato tuber moth larvae of 43% for PoGV I and 49% for PoGV II were recorded when first instar larvae were fed with potato leaves collected 2 days after treatment. After 8 days, 25.8% of the larvae had died from PoGV I treatment and 19.4% from PoGV II. Neither preparation displayed any effect 17 days after application. Keywords: Biological ControlPhthorimaea OperculellaGranulosis VirusBiochemical CharacterizationPathogenicityUltraviolet Persistence