Acne treatment depends on whether patents have a mild, moderate, or severe type of acne. The aim of this study was to compare the using of Isotretinoin (Rokutan) with and without oral vitamin E in treating acne. This study was performed on 60 patients on 0.5 mg/kg/day isotretinoin treatment for 6 months. The first group received 800 IU day(-1) Vit E during treatment and the second group recieved 800 Iu day(-1) cod liver oil capsules. All patients were observed for the complications at 1th, 4th and 6th weeks during treatment. Cheilitis was the most common side effect among these patients (69%). Epistaxis was the second side effect in both groups (22%). Other side effects were xerosis, pruritus, epigastric pain and nail fragility. The frequency and the severity of complications were less common at 4th and 6th weeks of treatment. Isotretinoin is a useful and effective drug in treating severe and treatment-resistance acne lesions.