Although clinical trials are conducted far more ethically and safer now than they were some decades ago, the elimination of gross abuses has tended to highlight more subtle ethical problems. Therefore, research in man, especially clinical drug trials, must now take into account ethical and legal requirements. This review examines the progress of clinical trial ethics, highlights the major ethical principles and challenges involved in the conduct of clinical trials, and suggests measures to ensure scientifically and ethically sound clinical trials.An internet search and a perusal of the literature on the history of clinical trials, medical ethics and good clinical practice, reveal that apart from laying a general principle, the Oath of Hippocrates did not provide a guide on the specific ethical problems involved in undertaking research, an important arm of advancement in medical knowledge. Hence, to avert continued ethical abuses of subjects during clinical research, the current reference guideliNe--the Helsinki Declaration of 1964 (revised in 1975), was adopted by the World Medical Assembly. It emphasized four major principles: autonomy, nonmaleficience, beneficence and justice. In applying these principles, the researcher must obtain a written free and well informed consent from patients who should be aware of their right to withdraw from trial at any moment. Where possible, a new drug should always first be compared to placebo in order to prove its superiority. He must ethically monitor and assess risks and benefits of the trial throughout its duration and use a fair procedure in selecting research subjects and must respect the concept of inviolability of the human person. Ethical challenges confronting clinical trials include the appropriateness of the proposed research, obtaining free informed consent, use of medications after completion of drug trials, drug toxicities and long-term side effects as well as the release and publication of research result.To improve protection for research subjects and have ethically sound clinical trials, there is need to adhere to global standards and legislations; establish, strengthen and empower regulatory bodies; develop partnership among stakeholders; intensify public enlightenment and train research personnel.