On the characterization of medicated plasters containing NSAIDs according to novel indications of USP and EMA: adhesive property andin vitroskin permeation studies
This work aims to establish if the assays recently introduced by EMA (Guideline on quality of transdermal patches-draft) and USP (Specific tests for transdermal delivery systems) to characterize transdermal patches (TP) are suitable for medicated plasters (MP). Six approved MP differing for type and characteristics of adhesive and backing layer were selected and characterized in terms of adhesive performances by tack, shear adhesion, peel adhesion and release liner removal tests and in vitro skin permeation. As far as the adhesive properties are concerned, the major drawback is related to the measurement of shear adhesion of MP made of an adhesive hydrogel and/or a stretchable backing layer which could be solved by reducing the applied load. Moreover, a concern on the mass balance prescribed by EMA draft for the acceptance of the results of in vitro penetration studies remains. Indeed, the acceptance range is narrow than that reported by Ph. Eur. requirement for uniformity of content. Finally, a novel calculation for evaluating the in vitro efficiency of MP in releasing the loaded drug through the skin was proposed.