The TFT-LCD industry use much chemicals and materials in the production process increase more and more rejects. Therefore, how to reduce the use of chemicals is major care for every manufacturing factory. So TFT industry are set the Stripper recycle system to remove the photoresist and then to recycling use. This research of the direction from the Chemical Supply System, Stripper system, production equipment and additional Daily management system to study the chemical usage of the TFT-LCD industry. This research altogether divides into two parts to carry on. First stage to adjust the Stripper recycle system parameters to identify increase the recycle rate of the optimum operating conditions. The second stage makes the Daily management system to monitoring all parameters of the chemical supply system and the Stripper reclcle system. Expect to increase the system recycling capabilities and increase recycling rate to reduce waste Stripper and increase system recycling rate to achieve waste Stripper reduction and environmental benefits. This research expects to identify the appropriate parameters to achieve the purpose of reducing stripper waste and increase recycling system rate.