Acta Anaesthesiologica ScandinavicaVolume 7, Issue 3 p. 97-106 DIMEFLINE, A NEW RESPIRATORY ANALEPTIC Pneumotachographic Studies on Patients with Respiratory Insufficiency A. Colding, A. Colding Departments of Medicine B and Anaesthesia, Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for more papers by this authorA. Krogsgaard, A. Krogsgaard Departments of Medicine B and Anaesthesia, Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for more papers by this authorS. Nørregaard, S. Nørregaard Departments of Medicine B and Anaesthesia, Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for more papers by this author A. Colding, A. Colding Departments of Medicine B and Anaesthesia, Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for more papers by this authorA. Krogsgaard, A. Krogsgaard Departments of Medicine B and Anaesthesia, Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for more papers by this authorS. Nørregaard, S. Nørregaard Departments of Medicine B and Anaesthesia, Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, DenmarkSearch for more papers by this author First published: September 1963 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1399-6576.1963.tb00208.xCitations: 2AboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat REFERENCES 1 Amris, C. J., Quaade, F., and Sølvsteen, P.: Dimefline, a new respiratory analeptic. Air analyses on arterial and capillary blood. Acta anaesth. Scandinav. 1963, 7, 107. 2 Baudraz, B., Vulliemoz, P., and Piolino, M.: Dimefline, a new respiratory analeptic. Schweiz. med. Wchnschr. 1962, 92, 10. 3 Cerrini, L., and Montemartini, S.: Evaluation of the clinical performance of a new synthetic respiratory analeptic. Minerva Chir. 1960, 15, 787. 4 Da P., Verlicchi, L., and Setnikar, I.: Researches into the chromone and flavone groups synthesis of new analeptics. Arzneimitlelforsch. 1960, 10, 800. 5 Gunella, G., Petrella, A., and Loreti, A.: The stimulation of the respiratory centres by means of Dimefline in the treatment of respiratory insufficiency. Giorn. Clin. Med. 1961, 42, 9. 6 Lund-Johansen, P.: The effect of prethcamide in respiratory failure. Acta med. Scandinav. 1961, 170, 141. 7 Setnikar, I., Murmann, W., and Magistretti, M. J.: Pneumocinetic activity of 3-methyl-7-methoxy-8-dimethylaminomethylflavone-HCl (Dimefline), 2,3-dimethyl-7-methoxy-8-morpholinomethyl-chromone-HCl, and some other central nervous system stimulants. Arzneimittelforsch. 1961, 11, 1109. 8 Setnikar, I., Murmann, W., Magistretti, M. J., and da Re, P.: Amino-methylchromones, brain stem stimulants and pentobarbital antagonists. J. Pharm. & Exper. Therap. 1960, 128, 176. 9 Silipo, S., Hagedorn, C., Rosenstein, I. N., and Baum, G. L.: Experiences with ethamivan, a new respiratory stimulant and analeptic agent. J. A. M. A. 1961, 177, 378. 10 Tiffeneau, R., and Pinelli, A.: Regulation bronchique de la ventilation pulmonaire. J. franç. méd. et chir. thorac. 1948, 2, 221. 11 Vigliani, E. C.: Researches into the therapeutic activity and tolerability of Rec. 7/0267 (Dimefline). (Unpublished). Citing Literature Volume7, Issue3September 1963Pages 97-106 ReferencesRelatedInformation