Five topping stages i.e., pre-bud, bud, initial flowering stage, removal of secondary branches at initial flowering including control were studied in rapeseed cv. Westar under Rodh Kohi irrigation system of Dera Ismail Khan to determine the best topping stage which could be un-risky and profitable for fodder consumption and seed yield for the area farmers. Topping at initial flowering stage produced the maximum fodder yield (52080 kg ha(-1)) among the treatments but the crop could not mature for seed after topping and reduced overall net return of (6%). Similarly topping at pre-bud stage also reduced the net benefit of (8%) over control. Topping at bud stage produced valuable green cut of (33,500 kg ha(-1)) considered as vegetable (Saag) by giving a maximum net return with an increase of 68% over control. Among all the treatments, crop yield slightly increased (7%) over control by giving (1531 kg ha(-1)) yield when only the secondary branches were removed at initial flowering stage as compared to control plot yield of (1431 kg ha(-1)). Considering the fodder value, the same treatment gave (20%) more net return over control. Plant height did not recover and maturity was delayed after topping in all the treatments.