Plenoptic cameras, constructed with internal microlens arrays, focus those microlenses at infinity in order to sample the 4D radiance directly at the microlenses. The consequent assumption is that each microlens image is completely defocused with respect to to the image created by the main camera lens and the outside object. As a result, only a single pixel in the final image can be rendered from it, resulting in disappointingly low resolution. In this paper, we present a new approach to lightfield capture and image rendering that interprets the microlens array as an imaging system focused on the focal plane of the main camera lens. This approach captures a lightfield with significantly higher spatial resolution than the traditional approach, allowing us to render high resolution images that meet the expectations of modern photographers. Although the new approach samples the lightfield with reduced angular density, analysis and experimental results demonstrate that there is sufficient parallax to completely support lightfield manipulation algorithms such as refocusing and novel views.