Abstract Buildings all around the world consume a significant amount of energy, which is more or less one-third of the total primary energy resources. This has raised concerns over energy supplies, rapid energy resource depletion, rising building service demands, improved comfort life styles along with the increased time spent in buildings; consequently, this has shown a rising energy demand in the near future. However, contemporary buildings’ energy efficiency has been fast tracked solution to cope/limit the rising energy demand of this sector. Building energy efficiency has turned out to be a multi-faceted problem, when provided with the limitation for the satisfaction of the indoor comfort index. However, the comfort level for occupants and their behavior have a significant effect on the energy consumption pattern. It is generally perceived that energy unaware activities can also add one-third to the building’s energy performance. Researchers and investigators have been working with this issue for over a decade; yet it remains a challenge. This review paper presents a comprehensive and significant research conducted on state-of-the-art intelligent control systems for energy and comfort management in smart energy buildings (SEB’s). It also aims at providing a building research community for better understanding and up-to-date knowledge for energy and comfort related trends and future directions. The main table summarizes 121 works closely related to the mentioned issue. Key areas focused on include comfort parameters, control systems, intelligent computational methods, simulation tools, occupants’ behavior and preferences, building types, supply source considerations and countries research interest in this sector. Trends for future developments and existing research in this area have been broadly studied and depicted in a graphical layout. In addition, prospective future advancements and gaps have also been discussed comprehensively.