In the past five years,both advancements and new problems were seen in the treatment of lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans.The Global Vascular Guidelines published in 2019 have given us comprehensive suggestions for the diagnosis and treatment of critical limb threatening ischemia(CLTI),but the grading and treatment suggestions for CLTI should be generalized.As to endovascular treatment,drug coated balloons have been found to be effective for limb salvage and graft patency in femoropopliteal and infra-popliteal artery occlusive diseases.As to surgical revascularization,persistent education and surveillance are necessary to maintain the practical quality of this fundamental technique.Inframalleolar bypass could achieve good graft patency and limb salvage rate for in CLTI patients.Regional anesthesia has been found to have lower risk than general anesthesia for lower extremity surgical revascularization.Percutaneous deep vein arterialization might be helpful for limb salvage in patients with non-option CLTI.A brief review about the treatment of lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans is performed based on latest literatures and institutional experience.Understanding the present situation and development trend is important for peripheral vascular practitioners.近5年来,下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的治疗方法既有巨大进步,亦存在不少问题。世界血管协会联盟对慢性威胁性肢体缺血的定义、评估和治疗提出了系统性指导意见,获得了业界广泛认可,但在临床工作中的落实并不令人满意,很多患者并未得到规范的药物治疗。在手术方面,药物涂层球囊的普及具有革命性意义,其用于治疗股腘动脉、膝下动脉病变已被证实安全、有效;踝下动脉旁路移植对肢体远端中小血管病变具有较好疗效;对无血管重建条件的患者,深静脉动脉化可能是值得探讨的新方向。作者通过回顾最新文献结果,结合临床实践经验,总结了下肢动脉硬化闭塞症治疗的现状和发展趋势,希望对周围血管专业医师对该病的深入了解有所帮助。.