Particle streak velocimetry (PSV) has become one of the important branches of flow filed measurements. It extracts velocity information from particle trajectories captured by single frame long exposure images. Since the defocus of moving particle is inevitable during a long exposure time and under a large magnification, a novel three-dimensional (3D) velocity measurement method named defocusing particle streak velocimetry (DPSV) is proposed in this paper. On the one hand, an extension from two-dimensional (2D) to 3D velocity measurement with a monocular system is carried out. The depth information of the particle, which reflects the position in the third dimension, is indicated by the defocusing degree (characteristic parameter σ) of the particle images. The variation of σ along the trajectory is recognized by surface fitting of the gray value distribution of particle images, assuming that σ varies linearly along the trajectory. On the other hand, based on the linear fitting for the straight trajectory, an arc fitting model is developed for curved trajectories which are commonly captured in turbulent flow. The relationship between σ and the particle depth position z is experimentally calibrated using a LED light and a diaphragm. Finally, the DPSV method is verified in a submerged jet flow field as well as in a microchannel flow field to obtain the 3D velocity field with single monocular system.