Texture is an important factor in evaluating the quality of aquatic products. To evaluate the texture properties of cured large mouth bass, edible sodium chloride (0, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0%) was smeared to the bass meat. Texture profile analysis (TPA) and sensory evaluation were performed to evaluate the quality of the cured samples, and the correlations of the indexes in the two methods were analyzed. Two principal components were obtained from the TPA indexes and sensory evaluation indexes, and the cumulative variance contribution rates were 73.87% and 72.99%, respectively. Results from the principal component analysis showed that the main indicators that affected the TPA were gumminess and springiness, while those that affected sensory evaluation were chewiness and adhesiveness. The TPA index and sensory evaluation could be effectively improved when the sodium chloride added to the bass meat was 1%. In the correlation analysis, sensory springiness was negatively correlated with TPA hardness ( , r = −0.553) but positively correlated with TPA chewiness ( , r = 0.596). After stepwise regression analysis, the prediction equation between the sensory springiness and TPA hardness was obtained as SSp=5.770−0.002Ha. These results provide a basis for predicting the quality of large mouth bass cured products.