Petra Patáková,Barbora Branská,Maryna Vasylkivska,Katerina Jureckova,Jana Musilová,Ivo Provazník,Karel Sedlář
Solventogenic clostridia are not a strictly defined group within the genus Clostridium but its representatives share some common features, i.e. they are anaerobic, non-pathogenic, non-toxinogenic and endospore forming bacteria. Their main metabolite is typically 1-butanol but depending on species and culture conditions, they can form other metabolites such as acetone, isopropanol, ethanol, butyric, lactic and acetic acids, and hydrogen. Although these organisms were previously used for the industrial production of solvents, they later fell into disuse, being replaced by more efficient chemical production. A return to a more biological production of solvents therefore requires a thorough understanding of clostridial metabolism. Transcriptome analysis, which reflects the involvement of individual genes in all cellular processes within a population, at any given (sampling) moment, is a valuable tool for gaining a deeper insight into clostridial life. In this review, we describe techniques to study transcription, summarize the evolution of these techniques and compare methods for data processing and visualization of solventogenic clostridia, particularly the species Clostridium acetobutylicum and Clostridium beijerinckii. Individual approaches for evaluating transcriptomic data are compared and their contributions to advancements in the field are assessed. Moreover, utilization of transcriptomic data for reconstruction of computational clostridial metabolic models is considered and particular models are described. Transcriptional changes in glucose transport, central carbon metabolism, the sporulation cycle, butanol and butyrate stress responses, the influence of lignocellulose-derived inhibitors on growth and solvent production, and other respective topics, are addressed and common trends are highlighted.