Impairment in T-maze erformance of aduIt rats P, caused by altminiurn $(A1^{3+})$ and the reversal of it by betaine, a methyl donor, was studied. Besides, conformational change in the secondary structure of $\beta$ amloid peptide $(A\beta)$ brought about by the addition of $(A1^{3+})$ in vitro, was also studied using CD-spectroscopy. The organisrnal study proved that betaine is effective in restoring the memory loss caused by $(A1^{3+})$ possibly through augmentation of choline leveIs, as betaine is involved in the synthesis of choline. The CD-spectra recorded indicate loss of $\alpha$ -helical content of the peptide $(A\beta)$ caused by the addition of $(A1^{3+})$ , which was reversed to some extent by the addition of betaine. Betaine may thus preventlstop the progression of plaque formation seen during the initial stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and AD-like pathology as the loss of secondary structure of $A\beta$ is suspected to be an early event in the aetiopathology of ADIAD-like perturbations caused by Al toxicity. Betaine, a natural product occurring in beetroot (Beta vulgaris), and a by product in the process of manufacturing beet sugar may thus prove efficacious in the treatment of diseases involving dysfunctions of cholinergic system leading to memory loss.