Filamentous fungi are one of the platforms for producing fermented products. The specific characteristic of their submerged fermentation is the aggregation of mycelia that is affected by environmental conditions, leading to significantly different rheology for fermentation broth. Such a rheological change not only affects the transfer of mass, heat and momentum, but also the biosynthesis of target products and the efficiency of their production. In this article, strategies for morphological regulation of filamentous fungi are reviewed, and the impact of calcium signal transduction and chitin biosynthesis on apical growth of hyphae and branching of mycelia for their aggregation are further commented.丝状真菌是微生物发酵产品的重要表达体系,其液体深层发酵过程的典型特征是环境因素显著影响菌丝聚集,菌丝聚集影响发酵体系流变特性,进而影响质量传递、热量传递和动量传递,最终影响目标产物生物合成和生产效率。文中首先综述了丝状真菌形态调控的方法和策略,在此基础上针对丝状真菌菌丝生长和聚集过程的两大典型特征——顶端延伸生长和分枝生长,综述和展望了钙信号传导途径和几丁质生物合成途径对调控菌体聚集这一形态的重要意义。.