The leading cause of several degenerative diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, aging, cardiovascular, and inflammatory diseases is oxidative stress, a consequence of overproduction and accumulation of free radicals. Naturally occurring antioxidants polyphenols have unnumbered biological activities such as antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, antifungal, anticholesterol, and antiulcer. A naturally occurring gallic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid), is highly antioxidant and may play a protective role in healthy individuals by inhibiting apoptosis. Pharmacological agents containing gallic acid and of diverse therapeutic categories as antioxidants, anticancer, antimicrobial, chondro-protective effect, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, antidiabetic activity, anti-ulcerogenic, cathepsin D inhibitor, etc. have made this nucleus as an indispensable anchor for designing and development of new pharmacological agents. This review is an update on the latest development of the chemistry and the medicinal impacts of pharmacophores containing gallic acids. In addition, fused gallic acid derivatives and hybrid molecules containing different bioactive moieties in the presence of gallic acid are also presented and discussed.