Nguyen Thi Thanh Truc,Đào Sỹ Đức,Doan Van Thuan,Talal Al Tahtamouni,Thanh-Dong Pham,Nguyen Thi Hanh,Dinh Trinh Tran,Minh Viet Nguyen,Nhat Minh Dang,Nguyễn Thị Phương Lệ,Van Noi Nguyen
Herein, Cu was incorporated into ZnO lattice to reduce its band gap as well as to extend its visible radiation response. The obtained Cu-ZnO was continuously integrated with g-C3N4 to create Cu-ZnO/g-C3N4 Z-direct scheme photocatalyst for advanced atrazine removal. Radical scavenging experiments have been also conducted to clearly figure out photocatalytic mechanism for degradation of atrazine by the synthesized photocatalyst. The synthesized Cu-ZnO only utilized the generated h+ for atrazine degradation (direct and indirect via formation hydroxyl radicals (•OH)) and the g-C3N4 only utilized the generated e− for atrazine degradation (indirect via reaction with O2 to form superoxide anion, which needed to continuously react with H2O to form •OH). Therefore, the photocatalytic atrazine degradation by synthesized Cu-ZnO material was greater than that by synthesized g-C3N4 material. Cu-ZnO/g-C3N4 utilized both generated e− and h+ for degradation of atrazine. Thus, the photocatalytic atrazine degradation by the synthesized Cu-ZnO/g-C3N4 was greater than those of single g-C3N4 or Cu-ZnO materials. Finally, the conducted recycling experiments indicated great stability of synthesized Cu-ZnO/g-C3N4 during long-term atrazine degradation process opening new era for application of the material in practical systems.