1. In the context of global change, modifications in winter conditions may disrupt the seasonal phenology patterns of organisms, modify the synchrony of closely interacting species and lead to unpredictable outcomes at different ecological scales. 2. Parasites are present in almost every food web and their interactions with hosts greatly contribute to ecosystem functioning. Among upper trophic levels of terrestrial ecosystems, insect parasitoids are key components in terms of functioning and species richness. Parasitoids respond to climate change in similar ways to other insects, but their close relationship with their hosts and their particular life cycle – alternating between parasitic and free‐living forms – make them special cases. 3. This article reviews of the mechanisms likely to undergo plastic or evolutionary adjustments when exposed to climate change that could modify insect seasonal strategies. Different scenarios are then proposed for the evolution of parasitoid insect seasonal ecology by exploring three anticipated outcomes of climate change: (i) decreased severity of winter cold; (ii) decreased winter duration; and (iii) increased extreme seasonal climatic events and environmental stochasticity. 4. The capacities of insects to adapt to new environmental conditions, either through plasticity or genetic evolution, are highlighted. They may reduce diapause expression, adapt to changing cues to initiate or terminate diapause, increase voltinism, or develop overwintering bet‐hedging strategies, but parasitoids' responses will be highly constrained by those of their hosts. 5. Changes in the seasonal ecology of parasitoids may have consequences on host–parasitoid synchrony and population cycles, food‐web functioning, and ecosystem services such as biological pest control.