A hypervapotron cooling concept armored with flat tiles has been considered as a possible technique to handle heat load about 10–20 MW/m2 produced in a fusion reactor. In order to improve the heat removal capability of divertor plasma facing components (PFCs) of the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR), W/Cu flat-type mock-up based on a novel hypervapotron cooling concept with cross-ribs structure has been designed and optimized by thermal simulations using ANSYS Fluent code. The simulation results demonstrated obviously that this cross-ribs structure has an excellent heat removal capability caused by enlarged heat transfer area and subcooled flow boiling. Based on the optimized geometry, the novel W-Cu/CuCrZr/316 L compound module was prepared by means of one-step hot isostatic pressing (HIP) technique. The following high heat flux (HHF) testing results indicated that bonding technologies and mock-up design have reached a good performance.