In this study, we developed a method to build Raman calibration models without culture data for cell culture monitoring. First, Raman spectra were collected and then analyzed for the signals of all the mentioned analytes: glucose, lactate, glutamine, glutamate, ammonia, antibody, viable cells, media, and feed agent. Using these spectral data, the specific peak positions and intensities for each factor were detected. Next, according to the design of the experiment method, samples were prepared by mixing the above-mentioned factors. Raman spectra of these samples were collected and were used to build calibration models. Several combinations of spectral pretreatments and wavenumber regions were compared to optimize the calibration model for cell culture monitoring without culture data. The accuracy of the developed calibration model was evaluated by performing actual cell culture and fitting the in-line measured spectra to the developed calibration model. As a result, the calibration model achieved sufficiently good accuracy for the three components, glucose, lactate, and antibody (root mean square errors of prediction, or RMSEP = 0.23, 0.29, and 0.20 g/L, respectively). This study has presented innovative results in developing a culture monitoring method without using culture data, while using a basic conventional method of investigating the Raman spectra of each component in the culture media and then utilizing a design of experiment approach.