Dual-laser beams interacting with small droplets of liquid tin are currently the most efficient systems for producing the 13.5 nm EUV photon radiation source required for the next generation microchips. Usually, EUV light is produced during the second main-pulse stage, while the pre-pulse (PP) is used for target preparation, i.e., droplet preheating, vaporization, and target deformation. However, the PP laser energy can be utilized more efficiently if the EUV producing plasma is being developed during the PP stage as well. In this work, we study the ways of optimization of the PP laser temporal shape to achieve conditions for maximum EUV output during the pre-pulse. The size of the deformed droplet is kept optimized for the following main laser pulse. Our simulations showed a significant increase in the EUV output at the pre-pulse stage when a ramping profile is used for the laser temporal shape. Using the ramped square pre-pulse produces 24% gain in the EUV output in comparison with the standard Gaussian temporal profile (i.e., regular Nd:YAG shape) for the same energy of the laser pulse.