Rolling bearing is an important rotating support component in mechanical equipment. It is very prone to wear, defects, and other faults, which directly affect the reliable operation of mechanical equipment. Its running condition monitoring and fault diagnosis have always been a matter of concern to engineers and researchers. A rolling bearing fault diagnosis technique based on multi-domain feature and whale optimization algorithm-support vector machine (MDF-WOA-SVM) is proposed. Firstly, recursive analysis is performed on vibration signal and the recursive features are employed as nonlinear recursive feature vector including recursive rate (RR), deterministic rate (DET), recursive entropy (RE), and diagonal average length (DAL). Then, a comprehensive multi-domain feature vector is constructed by combining three time-domain features including root mean square, variance, and peak to peak. Finally, whale optimization algorithm (WOA) is introduced to optimize the penalty factor C and kernel function parameter g to construct the optimal WOA-SVM model. The rolling bearing datasets of Jiangnan University is employed for instance analysis, and the results show that the 10-CV accuracy of the technique proposed is good with an accuracy of 99%. Compared with recursive features or time-domain features, multi-domain features are more accurate and comprehensive in describing characters of the signal. Some popular supervised learning models are also introduced for comparison including K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and decision tree (DT), and the result shows that the proposed method has a higher accuracy and certain advantages.