Youths who enter emerging adulthood with a background of familial relations grounded in positive parent-child interactions are better equipped to cope with transitional stressors, to voice effectively their opinions with parents, and to resist engaging in risky activities. However, little is known about the longitudinal associations between positive parenting, filial self-efficacy beliefs and youths' engagement in sexting behaviors. This study examined if positive parenting (mothers' and fathers' reports at child ages 13, 14, and 15) were related to youths' engagement in sexting behaviors (child's reports at age 19) both directly and indirectly, through adolescents perceived filial self-efficacy beliefs (child's reports at age 18). Participants included 194 Italian children (MAgeAtTime1 = 13.54, 52.6% girls), their mothers (n = 193), and fathers (n = 150), who provided data across five waves over seven years. The mediation model was tested through a path analysis. Overall, results showed that, controlling for child gender and family SES, the effect of positive parenting on sexting behaviors was fully mediated by higher levels of perceived filial self-efficacy beliefs. The study reveals filial self-efficacy beliefs as central to the benefits conveyed to teens by parents in reducing their sexting behaviors.