The clinical education environment presents a valuable opportunity for students to learn, acquire and develop the clinical skills essential for professional midwifery practice. The presence of competent and relevant preceptors plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of midwifery students and fostering positive clinical experiences.This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical practice experiences of midwifery students and their perceptions of midwifery preceptors.A descriptive and cross-sectional study.This study was conducted with 205 students enrolled in the midwifery department of the Faculty of Health Sciences of a state university in Turkey. Data collection used a participant information form and the Clinical Learning Environment and Midwifery Preceptor Scales designed to assess factors affecting midwifery students' clinical learning. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS 22.0 program, employing methods such as the Independent Sample T-Test, One-Way Analysis of Variance and Tukey test.The average total score on the Clinical Learning Environment scale was 31.08±2.16 out of a possible 32, while the average total score on the Midwifery Preceptors scale was 17.60 (SD 1.27) out of a possible 18. The mean total score of the Midwifery Preceptor Scale and the mean scores of the sub-dimensions of Skill Development and Midwifery Practice Philosophy were found to be statistically significantly higher in those aged 21 years and older than aged 20 years and younger (P < 0.05). The Midwifery Preceptor Scale total score, the Clinical Learning Environment Scale total score and Skill Development sub-dimensions mean scores of the second-year students were found to be statistically significantly higher than the first and third-year students (P <0.05). Furthermore, students who received education in larger groups and willingly chose and had a passion for the midwifery profession demonstrated significant positive perceptions regarding their clinical learning environment experiences and the impact of their preceptors on their professional growth.Understanding the perspectives of midwifery students regarding the clinical education environment, preceptors and the teaching and learning process holds great importance for enhancing the quality of the clinical education environment and fostering the development of clinical competencies among midwifery preceptors.