Using ECG signals captured by wearable devices for emotion recognition is a feasible solution. We propose a deep convolutional neural network incorporating attentional mechanisms for ECG emotion recognition. In order to address the problem of individuality differences in emotion recognition tasks, we incorporate an improved Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM) into the proposed deep convolutional neural network. The deep convolutional neural network is responsible for capturing ECG features. Channel attention in CBAM is responsible for adding weight information to ECG features of different channels and spatial attention is responsible for the weighted representation of ECG features of different regions inside the channel. We used three publicly available datasets, WESAD, DREAMER, and ASCERTAIN, for the ECG emotion recognition task. The new state-of-the-art results are set in three datasets for multi-class classification results, WESAD for tri-class results, and ASCERTAIN for two-category results, respectively. A large number of experiments are performed, providing an interesting analysis of the design of the convolutional structure parameters and the role of the attention mechanism used. We propose to use large convolutional kernels to improve the effective perceptual field of the model and thus fully capture the ECG signal features, which achieves better performance compared to the commonly used small kernels. In addition, channel attention and spatial attention were added to the deep convolutional model separately to explore their contribution levels. We found that in most cases, channel attention contributed to the model at a higher level than spatial attention.