A compact cell structure is highly desirable for next-generation high-power-density proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell (>9.0 kW L−1). A novel integrated bipolar plate (BP) – gas diffusion layer (GDL) structure utilizing porous material is a promising configuration, which not only improves output power due to the reduced transport resistance but also reduces cell thickness. Herein, we propose a structured mesh material with gradient surface wettability for this cell structure, which is characterized by an ordered skeleton in the three-dimensional (3D) space with high structure design flexibility. It is experimentally found that the structured mesh material shows higher performance than serpentine and parallel flow fields. Meanwhile, 3D modeling work on an automobile fuel cell (cell area: 245.76 cm2) with the distribution zones of dot matrix structure for hydrogen, air and coolant flow, is conducted, and it is found that the structured mesh material effectively decreases the concentration and electric ohmic losses in comparison with the traditional "BP/flow field + GDL" structure, improving power density with uniform distribution characteristics. Moreover, the gradient wettability on the mesh surface helps promote the water detach the GDL and hold the residual liquid water in the top region, optimizing the water management.