Plasma process control applications require acquisition of diagnostic data at a rate faster than the characteristic timescale of perturbations to the plasma. Diagnostics based on optical emission spectroscopy of intense emission lines permit rapid noninvasive measurements with low-resolution (∼1 nm), fiber-coupled spectrographs, which are included on many plasma process tools for semiconductor processing. Here the authors report on rapid analysis of Ar emissions with such a system to obtain electron temperatures, electron densities, and metastable densities in argon and argon/mixed-gas (Ar/N2, Ar/O2, Ar/H2) inductively coupled plasmas. Accuracy of the results (compared to measurements made by Langmuir probe and white-light absorption spectroscopy) are typically better than ±15% with a time resolution of 0.1 s, which is more than sufficient to capture the transient behavior of many processes, limited only by the time response of the spectrograph used.