The infl uence of hydrocolloids on the qualitative properties of wheat fl our dough was monitored by farinograph.The addition of arabic gum from acacia tree to the dough decreased water absorption and the degree of so ening but the development time of the dough increased.The improvement in quality of the doughs occurred only a er the addition of 15.0 -1 .The addition of pectin from apple increased water absorption of the dough.Dough stability was increasing until the addition of 5.0 g. kg -1 but then it decreased.The degrees of so ening were decreasing until the addition of 5.0 -1 but then they increased.Farinograph quality number was increasing until the addition of 5.0 -1 pectin from apple but then it decreased to the value of 149.These hydrocolloids are able to modify diff erent qualitative properties of dough depending on their amount.dough, hydrocolloid, quality, stability