The indoor (home and workplace) and outdoor concentrations of the sum of 10 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), designated Σ10PBDEs (-28, -47, -66, -100, -99, -85, -154, -153, -138, -183), and BDE-209 were measured using high-volume air samplers in Guangzhou from October 2004 to April 2005. The Σ10PBDEs and BDE-209 concentration ranges were 125.1–2877 and 39–11,468 pg m−3, respectively for home air, 181.3–8315 and 80.1–13,732 pg m−3 for office air, 322.1–2437 and 73.1–8194 pg m−3 for air in other workplaces, and 203.2–2426 and 1082–49,937 pg m−3 for outdoor air. The levels of PBDEs in domestic and workplace environments are similar to those reported in others studies. However, the open-air values reported here are significantly higher than those found elsewhere. The dominant congeners observed in indoor air samples were those associated with penta-BDE and deca-BDE commercial mixtures. Our study also indicates that the primary indoor emission sources for PBDEs in Guangzhou are originated from the relatively old electronic/electrical appliances, especially computers, but not the PUF-containing furniture. The median daily human exposures to Σ10PBDEs and BDE-209 via inhalation in Guangzhou are 12.4 and 15.1 ng day−1 person−1, respectively. The human inhalation exposure to Σ10PBDEs is higher than reported in two other studies (6.9 and 2.0 ng day−1 person−1) presumably due to the larger number of compounds considered in this study as well as the higher outdoor concentrations of PBDEs.