Outcomes of sorafenib treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma according to IMDC risk criteria: analysis of Japanese real-world data from postmarketing all-patient surveillance of sorafenib
Aim: To assess sorafenib survival outcomes in renal cell carcinoma patients using standard International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Data Consortium (IMDC) risk criteria. Patients & methods: The authors restratified a real-world cohort of 3255 advanced renal cell carcinoma patients, obtained from Japanese sorafenib postmarketing surveillance, to assess survival outcomes using IMDC criteria; intermediate risk was subdivided into intermediate 1 (Int-1) and imterdemiate 2 (Int-2; one and two risk factors, respectively). Results: Overall, 2225 (68%) IMDC-evaluable patients were reclassified as favorable (17%), intermediate (62%) and poor (21%) risk, with median progression-free survival of 10.4, 8.1 and 3.4 months, respectively. Int-1 (36%) and Int-2 (26%) subgroups had median progression-free survival of 10.1 and 6.0 months, respectively. Sorafenib had acceptable safety/tolerability. Conclusion: Sorafenib effectiveness was promising for IMDC intermediate risk, particularly Int-1, warranting further investigation.