Cold-chain cooked rice is an instant food consumed worldwide. Through inspecting rice structural alterations during digestion, this work discloses how microwave reheating tailors the starch digestibility of cooked rice following cold storage. The cold storage allowed approximately 2% of B-type (not V-type) starch crystallites, more nanoscale and short-range orders, and smaller pores in the rice matrix. These changes retarded the hydrolysis of structural domains (e.g., amorphous regions and short-range orders) during digestion, which increased the content of slowly digestible starch to about 38.16%. Then, microwave reheating partially disrupted the B-type crystallites and nanoscale orders, but unaffected the contents of V-type crystallites and short-range orders. Even with such structural disruptions, the resistant starch content was apparently increased to approximately 30.06%, as the structural domains became less susceptible to the digestion. Additionally, for the rice samples, the percentage of V-type crystallites could be largely increased from ca. 3% to 13%-14% during digestion.