Root canal treatment and non-vital bleaching of teeth with pulp canal obliteration may represent a complex challenge to the clinician. This report describes the usefulness of the computer-assisted dynamic navigation system for the root canal treatment of two cases of teeth with a history of traumatic injury, extensively obliterated root canals and crown discoloration. Clinical and cone-beam computed tomographic evaluations were completed prior to procedures and 12 months after treatment. Both cases were treated using a computer-assisted dynamic navigation system coupled to a high-speed handpiece in order to establish the location and orientation of the partially obliterated canal and endodontic access route planning. The system allowed an accurate localisation of the root canal with a conservative access cavity. At the 12-month recall examination, the patients continue to be symptom-free, with a normal appearance of the mucogingival complex, adequate restoration of the tooth colour and intact periapical structures.