Electrochemical additive manufacturing (ECAM) based on electrochemical deposition (ECD) has been increasingly used, owing to its inspiring capacities of fabricating void-free and crack-free three-dimensional (3D) complex dense nano-and micro-sized metal geometries. In this study, a unique electrolyte-column localized electrochemical deposition (ECL-ECD) was initially proposed to manufacture 3D intricate precision micro-and mesoscale solid objects. In ECL-ECD, a dynamically stable electrolyte column is maintained between the electrolyte nozzle (anode) and cathodic surface, and metal electrodeposition is localized and guided by the electrolyte column, which is moved controllably. Its working mechanisms were determined from simulations and experimental findings, and some intricate structures such as curved columnar structures, U-shaped, Z-shaped, and spiral structures were successfully manufactured via the proposed technique using different path planning and control strategies. It was indicated that ECL-ECD has an excellent capacity in additively manufacturing micrometer-to-millimeter-scale freestanding metal geometries simultaneously with relatively high geometrical accuracy, good surface finish, and material compactness. ECL-ECD, as a novel metal additive manufacturing (AM), is significantly competitive in micro and mesoscale metal manufacturing, filling the gap in mesoscale ECAM technology.