The double-perovskite (DP) Sr2CrReO6 (SCRO) oxide has gained much attention due to its high Curie temperature (∼635 K), high spin polarization, and strong spin-orbit coupling, which provides promising potential for room-temperature spintronic devices. In this work, we report on microstructures of a set of sol–gel-derived SCRO DP powders and their magnetic and electrical transport properties. The SCRO powders crystallize into a tetragonal crystal structure (space group of I4/m). X-ray photoemission spectroscopy spectra verify that the rhenium ions possess variable valences (Re4+ and Re6+) in the SFRO powders while chromium ions are presented as Cr3+. Ferrimagnetic behavior was observed in the SFRO powders at 2 K, and the saturation magnetization was evaluated to be 0.72 μB/f.u. and the coercive field to be 7.54 kOe. The Curie temperature was derived from susceptibility measurements to be 656 K at 1 kOe. Such ferrimagnetic behavior stems from the Cr3–Re4+(Re6+) super exchange interaction via intervening oxygen. Electrical transport measurements revealed that the SFRO ceramic grains were semiconducting and the electrical transport process was governed by the small polarons hopping with variable ranges. The hopping paths for these small polarons are provided by the hetero-valent Re ions in the SCRO ceramics. Negative magnetoresistance (MR) was observed in the SCRO ceramics, and the plot of MR vs magnetic field (H) exhibited a butterfly-like shape. The MR (2 K, 6 T) was measured to be −5.3%, due to the intergranular magneto-tunneling effect. The present results demonstrate a unique combination of high-temperature ferrimagnetism and intrinsic semiconducting nature of the sol–gel-derived SCRO oxides, which are highly attractive for oxide spintronics.