Prinsepia utilis (Family: Rosaceae) is a deciduous shrub distributed mainly in the Himalayan mountains at 1000–3000 m above sea level. P. utilis has widely been utilized in Chinese and Indian folk medicines to treat various ailments such as skin diseases, rheumatic pain, inflammation etc. This review aims to be a comprehensive up-to-date database focusing on the traditional uses, chemical constituents, and biological activities of P. utilis as well as define the research gaps by analyzing the available data collected from different online and offline databases so as to further enhance the applicability of the already established P. utilis. This review has been prepared based on a comprehensive survey of major scientific databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, SciFinder and The Wealth of India. Articles published between 1942 and 2022 were consulted and data were collected using PRISMA. All literatures of the research subject are analyzed and summarized in this review. Ethnopharmacological studies of P. utilis revealed the use of its leaves, seeds, roots and fruits to treat orthopaedic disorders, diarrhea, stomachache, tonsillitis, stone and muscular pain, cough and cold, burns, cuts, wounds, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and allergic conditions. Further, fatty oil from the seeds is reported to be edible and useful in hydrogenation and soap making. Phytochemical examination of its different parts led to characterization of 131 compounds belonging to terpenoids, phenolics, cyanogenic glucosides, fatty alcohols, fatty acids and other classes. In vitro assays using crude extracts, fractions or isolated compounds from P. utilis demonstrated antioxidant, enzymes (lipase and α- glucosidase) inhibitory, immunosuppressive, cytotoxic, antibacterial activities, while in vivo studies proved hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, osteoprotective and anti-benign prostatic hyperplasia effects corroborating traditional claims. Some studies indicated P.utilis to be non–toxic. Skincare preparations containing extract of P. utilis were developed and found to be efficient and safe in treatment of acne vulgaris and atrophic dermatitis in clinical studies. Based on the research conducted so far, bioprospecting potential of P. utilis seems to be very high, however, mechanisms of pharmacological actions of the fractions and isolated compounds both in vitro and in vivo assays, toxicology, bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, and preclinical and clinical data are still needed to ensure its efficacy and safe use. Further, phytochemical investigations of its hitherto less explored flowers and roots could also be undertaken to enrich its chemical diversity. Altogether, P. utilis is a promising bio resource for use in medicinal, food and other industrial applications and livelihood generation.