To develop and validate a questionnaire to measure patient experience with oral appliance therapy.The AMEE Guide No. 87 was followed in the development and validation of a patient questionnaire to assess patient experience with oral appliance therapy.Our search identified 522 articles; 5 of these articles described the use and/or validation of questionnaires to measure changes in symptoms and patient-reported outcomes in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. A total of 27 questions were developed. Five patients participated in pilot testing. A final review of the questionnaire was conducted by an expert panel.The creation and validation of a questionnaire to assess patient experience with oral appliance therapy may provide new methods for advancing research in the field of dental sleep medicine.Ng ET, Perez-Garcia A, Lagravère-Vich MO. Development and initial validation of a questionnaire to measure patient experience with oral appliance therapy. J Clin Sleep Med. 2023;19(8):1437-1445.