When a femtosecond laser pulse travels through water, optical breakdown occurs when the laser intensity exceeds a certain threshold. This photoionization (PI) process and the resulting laser-induced plasma can strongly influence the laser ablation of substances, including transparent biological tissue, etc. However, numerical models of the initial evolution of the laser plasma and its early electron temperature remain inadequate. Here, a transient ionization rate equation involving the solvation process is proposed for calculating the free-electron number density (FED) generated during the interaction of the femtosecond laser with the water surface, along with the temporal evolution of the electron temperature in the focusing region during the entire femtosecond laser pulse utilizing an improved temperature model. The predictions of the proposed model are in better agreement with the experimentally determined breakdown thresholds. The results indicate that the existence of solvated electrons has a considerable influence on the determination of the optical breakdown threshold in water, which may also be one of the reasons why traditional numerical models consistently fail to forecast the actual breakdown threshold.