Significance: Aquaporins and ion channels establish and regulate gradients of calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, water, and protons in the epidermis. These elements have been found to play significant roles in skin biology and wound healing. In this study, we review our understanding of these channels and ion gradients, with a special emphasis on their role in acute wound healing. Recent Advances: Specifically, we assess the temporal and spatial arrangements of ions and their respective channels in the intact skin and during wound and healing to provide a novel perspective of the role of ionic gradients through the various stages of wound healing. Critical Issues: The roles of gradients of ions and channels in wound healing are currently not well understood. A collective analysis of their traits and arrangements in the skin during wound healing may provide a new perspective and understanding of the functionality of gradients of ions and channels in skin biology and wound healing. Future Directions: It is important to elucidate how the gradients of ions and ion channels regulate and facilitate wound healing. A better understanding of the ionic environments may identify novel therapeutic targets and improved strategies to promote wound healing and possibly treat other cutaneous diseases.