There is increased interest in ultrathin flexible devices with thicknesses of <1 micrometers due to excellent conformability toward advanced laminated bioelectronics. However, because of limitations in materials, device structure, and fabrication methodology, the performance of these ultrathin devices and circuits is insufficient to support higher-level applications. Here, we report high-performance carbon nanotube–based thin-film transistors (TFTs) and differential amplifiers on ultrathin polyimide films with a total thickness of <180 nanometers. A dual-gate structure is introduced to guarantee excellent gate control efficiency and mechanical stability of the ultrathin TFTs, which exhibit high transconductance (8.96 microsiemens per micrometer), high mobility (127 square centimeters per volt per second), and steep subthreshold swing (84 millivolts per decade), and can sustain a bending radius of curvature of <10 micrometers. The differential amplifier achieves the highest gain-bandwidth product (1.83 megahertz) among flexible differential amplifiers, enabling higher-gain amplification of weak signals over an extended frequency spectrum that is demonstrated by amplification of electromyography signals in situ.