Axial Chirality in the Sotorasib Drug Substance, Part 2: Leveraging a High-Temperature Thermal Racemization to Recycle the Classical Resolution Waste Stream
Matthew G. Beaver,Derek B. Brown,Kiersten Campbell,Yuan‐Qing Fang,David D. Ford,Narbe Mardirossian,Kevin D. Nagy,Andreas R. Rötheli,Jillian W. Sheeran,Reem Telmesani,Andrew T. Parsons
The development and kilogram-scale demonstration of a high-temperature continuous-flow racemization process to recycle the off-enantiomer of an atropisomeric sotorasib intermediate is described. Part 1 of this two-part series details the design and execution of a classical resolution to generate atropisomer M-1 from a racemic precursor (rac-1). In parallel, the team sought to develop a racemization process to enable recycling of the classical resolution waste stream and maximize productivity and sustainability. Computational and experimental methods revealed a high barrier to rotation (ca. 42 kcal/mol) prompting the design of a high-temperature (>300 °C) racemization protocol for recovery of the racemic compound. Described herein are the determination of the barrier to rotation, optimization of conditions to enable racemization, proof-of-concept for a continuous-flow process to execute the process, and kilogram-scale demonstration, including (1) recovery of the undesired atropisomer as a crystalline solid from the classical resolution waste stream, (2) thermal racemization by a high-temperature continuous-flow process, and (3) isolation of the racemic compound by crystallization directly from the reaction stream.